So desperate to have a new spectacle, cut a new hair style, to make myself younger.
When I was young, I never think about age problem, I was like never mind about age regardless young or old.
But recently, wondering is it I had changed my point of view to life, I'm starting mind my appearance age vs actual age. When ppl guess it right, its okay, but when it is wrong, its depends, to higher, it make me sick, on the other hand, it fly up me. Wakaka, how typical I am as a female.
Anyway, at current stage, just like to make myself light as air~ its approximately 0 weight. I want my age, my body even my mood, my emotion is light.
According to physic science, heavy item is stable than light item, but vice verse, heavy item is having larger resistance than the light item. Therefore, lighter item is tended to move faster and easier to reach destination. But, it is provided, the situation is horizontal to the earth.
When it occur at vertical condition, it happen to be heavier item is far more faster than the lighter item to reach destination due to earth gravity.
As a conclusion, whether is item to reach destination or ppl achieving goal in life, it really depends on the situation. We needs to determine, is there any gravity exist which affect the result, or is it the existing earth gravity is negligible to our result.
Once you analyze the situation, next step would be action, if you wana reach destination or achieve goal in shorter time, what should you do, make yourself lighter or heavier? The decision is important, once it is wrong, failure happen.
But failure is not forever, maybe failure wiser you and teach you how to measure a situation and make a correct decision for future life.
So, buddy, try to make one step forward to experience life regardless success or failure, it happen to teach you something, anyhow, it would be a good lesson to you for you to well prepare for a brighter career.