Saturday, December 10, 2022

New Normal

 Stop updating for 2 years since 2020. 

What had i done for the past 2 years?

Started a relationship and ended. Then started another relationship till now.

Changed a new company and left. Then started another job in another new company till now.

Oh ya, obeyed to all covid measurements for the past 2 years..

Masks on.. safe distancing... WFH... vaccination... blah blah

New normal life. This is the term government use to encourage residents to be motivated for future. Not to lose hope.

After all these, I became more comfortable to stay home.

Not interested to go travel... more interested to go back hometown to stay with mother.

Gradually lose interest to interact with people... gradually lose the ability to communicate.

Of course aging haha.

Thats all for today la.... 

Saturday, March 14, 2020





Year 2020 Goals

Wow, the post was delayed since December last year. It's March now.
Anyway, it never too late for anything.
Let's set 2020 personal goal.

So, let's review personal goal set in year 2019.

Here you go
1. Buy a house
2. Study foreign language
3. Read 20 books.
4. Tummy goes away
5. Go travel

For house, yes, I owned a house now but house loan is yet to settle and just started since Jan 2020.
So, one goal is done.

For studying foreign language, erm, is sign language consider as foreign language. I guess is a "yes". HAHA. Ya, I took elementary sign language course. It's pretty interesting. It allowed me to explore new culture. Quite difficult but learning is always enhance our life.
So, second goal is achieved.

Next, reading 20 books. Haiz, I read honestly but the reading speed is kinda slow. Plus, I have a lots of material to read like news, social media article, etc. So, I did reading books but maybe just 5 books.
So, 5/20 meaning only 25% of the goal. It sound bad but better than nothing.
So, reading goal is partially accomplished.

Ahha, for tummy, surprisingly I have little happy that the goal is almost achieved. It yet to achieve that full tummy is gone but almost 70% of the tummy is left. So, I'm pretty slim now. Hehe, happy. Yoga and jogging are really helping a lots plus nutrition and volume intake control.
I would score myself partially about 70% achievement for this goal.

Last but not least, travelling, yeah, I went for travel quite number of places. Let me list down.
1. Guang Zhou
2. Taiwan
3. Batam
4. Thailand
5. Staycation at Muar and KL
Yeah, last goal is checked.

Let me summarize again for year 2019 goals.
1. Buy a house                       -> Done
2. Study foreign language      ->Done
3. Read 20 books.                   -> 25% Done
4. Tummy goes away              ->70% Done
5. Go travel                              -> Done

Wow, it seems like a good result. Should reward myself hehe.

No more nonsense, let's set year 2020 goals.
1. Read 20 books
2. Six pack tummy
3. Pass JLPT4
4. Detox on daily basis (get away from constipation)
5. Get away from pimple face

That's it at the moment.
Let's work out my goals.

Stay healthy always... Virus fighting.

Sunday, January 13, 2019


It's time to set goal for 2019. When it was still end of 2018, my mind kept reminding to set goal for next year. But busy plus lazy, 2018 is over. Once again, it proves time flies.

Back to topics, in my company, it always has quarterly review the past and future direction. So am I. Hence, I'm going to review my past year 2018 before setting goal for 2019.

First of all, let me dig out the goal setting for 2018.....

Oh no!!! I didn't set goal for 2018 actually. It was 2017 goals.... 
Hell, is this busy plus aging!!!
I actually forget the whole year yet I thought it was set....AGING SYMPTOM!!!

Anyway, lets be mercy so, let's start my goal setting for this year 2019.

In this case, let me dig out the goal for 2017...

Here you go....
1. Stay healthy and get away my tummy.
2. Beauty myself by getting away from pimple and have fair skin on my face.

Obviously, both are failed. SAD. Tummy and pimple still with me. 
5 why analysis...
Goal 1: 
why failed? because didn't work out.
why didn't? because no time.
why no time? because time was priority reserve for other things.
why work out was not first priority? because study and work are priority.
So, root caused found and acceptable. bull shit.

Goal 2:
why failed? because allergy.
why allergy? because .... Went for skin specialist and tested, further test is required and I gave up.
So, root caused unknown. Just pray....

Okay... I want to set goal for 2019.

1. Buy a house.
2. Study foreign language.
3. Read 20 books.
4. Tummy go away.
5. Go travel.

Next, is setting milestone for each goal.

No idea now. So, I will do it next time. Bye!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2018








Saturday, May 26, 2018








Saturday, September 30, 2017





找点空闲 给我点时间 领着孩子常回家看看
带上笑容 带上祝愿 陪同爱人常回家看看
妈妈准备了一些唠叨 爸爸张罗了一桌好饭
生活的烦恼跟妈妈说说 工作的事情向爸爸谈谈
常回家看看回家看看 那怕帮妈妈刷刷筷子洗洗碗
老人不图儿女为家做多大贡献 一辈子不容易就图个团团圆圆
常回家看看回家看看 那怕给爸爸捶捶后背揉揉肩
老人不图儿女为家做多大贡献 一辈子总操心就图个平平安安

老人不图儿女为家做多大贡献 一辈子总操心就图个平平安安


我不孝女,总爱找借口。世上没有两全其美,有得必有 失。


Monday, December 26, 2016

Goals for 2017

It's boxing day. It means end of year 2016 is soon around the corner.
So, let's review my 2016 goals as below.

1. Read 50 books in year 2016.
2. Stay healthy and get away my tummy.
3. Study Master.
4. Beauty myself by getting away from pimple and have fair skin on my face.

Well, apparently, failed for 3 out of 4.
1. I read some books, but 50 books are way to achieve. Sorry to myself.
2. Stay healthy is achieved by end of the year but yet tummy still with me and seem like growing in a constant rate. Sad to tell this.
3. YEAH, I achieved this one that started since September. Still long way to go. New chapter of my life is started.
4. Well, failure, pimple is better but keep it on and off. Seem like no way to get off my face.

Haha, At least I achieved one.

So, what about 2017. How about continue to my previous goals.

1. Stay healthy and get away my tummy.
2. Beauty myself by getting away from pimple and have fair skin on my face.

I guess I will busy with my master study and not much time for other goals. So, that's it for 2017. ^^

Saturday, June 25, 2016








虽然我们不同team, 但奇怪的发展,我们成为看戏吃饭的伴。每次聊天都压力山大,却又学习深渊。某某的见解非常与众不同,却也心机丛丛。好在某某的心机都很正面,出发点都不是要伤害别人。那如果在事情的发展中有人受伤,那就是那人咎由自取了。俗语说“不进则退”,虽然不能完全说不是某某的问题,不过在对方努力而没有伤害的成分下而发生的话,我想说,受伤的人要为自己受伤负大部分责任。因为对方努力,而自己没有付出,在职场上,能力者上,这是在普通不过了。在这种情况下受伤的人请自行反省,别一味埋怨别人啦。。。。


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Goals of the Year 2016

That day I asked her one question.

"Did you ever encounter those period in your life that is day counting days after days?"

She frown and answer "No".

Continuing, she said "Why? Are you reflecting your life now?"

I was embarrassed like my mind was being read by her.

Actually yes, I'm doing it now. I cross my calendar everyday like counting my day. In short, I'm having challenge-less life now as I have time to do such silly thing. It's not my style.

Apparently, it's my comfort zone now. Urge to change but reluctant to move. Laziness always is human's weakness.

Whenever I facebook somebody picture, by seeing their successful, I wish I am the one. I always be encouraged at that moment. But, after some times, I realize I keep the same and never move.

People always set goal at the beginning of the years. I set some as other people to make my life meaningful. Of course, it looks weak compare with others

1. Read 50 books in year 2016.
2. Stay healthy and get away my tummy.
3. Study Master.
4. Beauty myself by getting away from pimple and have fair skin on my face.

Before accomplish my goal of the year, lets review the year of 2015.

What had you done? Erm....

1. Biz trip to Japan. Be frank, this was a surprise from my boss. From there, I realized my big boss recognized my effort that I was pretty happy with that.

2. Promoted. Heard that it was my small boss idea to promote me. Hence, he is another people recognized me. Happy!!! However, the period of starting, there was office politic happened at me. Some one resigned.
I was upset myself with the incident. How could this happening to me? Anyway, it's over now.

3. I reduced 4kg of my weight. Means, I am healthier now. Good sign to accomplish my 2016 goals.

Erm... seem this is that much I had in my year 2015. Pretty less thing had done by me. sound low productivity.

Since 2015 is passed, we shouldn't cry for spitted milk. Lets focus on my 2016 goals.


Friday, December 25, 2015










New Normal

 Stop updating for 2 years since 2020.  What had i done for the past 2 years? Started a relationship and ended. Then started another relatio...